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Why renting a 15 passenger van is the best decision you can make this fall

Are you looking to get a group together for some time to get away from the hustle and bustle of your everyday life and enjoy a much-needed getaway to a place of some peace and quiet?

Well, November is your time to take action for that much-needed relaxation. Don’t wait, book your 15 passenger Van with All-Star Rent-a-Van now. If you aren’t sure if a 15 passenger van is what you want, let us give you a few amazing reasons.


Usually, when you are planning a splendid time away, you need to set some money aside for transportation, fun, and food. However, when you are traveling in a group, you can rent one van and use your money for more fun things.

When you take into consideration the number of people you can fit into one van, our competitive rates, and special offers, renting a 15 passenger van becomes not just affordable, but also cheaper. It gives you all the basics for travelling together and the luxury of only filling up one gas tank. Not to mention, another perk is only one parking cost! And another perk? That alone can save you $10-20 a time.


If you happen to be the lucky one in the group who is the tallest, you are especially going to like the idea of renting a van. With high ceilings and enough luggage storage space in the back, everyone will have ample space. And when you happen to be in a vehicle for an extended period of time, ergonomic cabin features such as these can make all the difference. A little extra leg and headroom can go a long way.


Getting to travel together allows you to start the good times way before you get to your desired destination. So whether you are traveling with your besties, your family or a team of co-workers, being in one vehicle will give you plenty of time to get the party started. This is your time to listen to your favorite tunes, play games, tell stories and laugh to your heart’s content.


When you are traveling as a group with multiple vehicles, getting everyone on the same page is nearly impossible. Even with cell phones, it can be a hassle to try to stay together and travel at the same speed. This is easily avoided when you chose to travel in a 15 passenger van. You can avoid all that hassle and just enjoy being together in a passenger van.


Driving long distances can be hard on your vehicle. Not to mention, driving depreciates the value of your vehicle. When you factor in your loss on the resale value plus all the accrued costs along the way like an unexpected tire change, you may just be thinking twice about taking your own vehicle. Why not let a brand new rental van take you where you want to go.


You already have enough on your mind making sure your hotel is booked, your luggage is packed and you haven’t forgotten anything. When you start adding in car maintenance it can start to feel overwhelming. Since you don’t want to start a trip without knowing your car is in tip-top shape, you’ll end up making time and spending money on tune-ups. However, when you rent a 15 passenger van from us instead, and we’ll take care of the tuneup.


Are you driving an older model car? Most of us are! So why not jump into a newer van instead and treat yourself to some luxury driving. Not to mention, by renting a 15 passenger van from us, you can drive with confidence, knowing that your vehicle is in excellent condition.

And the best part? 


There is nothing worse than being the only driving on a long road trip. You never really get to take in any of the sights that way. Since you can all travel together in one vehicle, it means you can share the driving. While driving can be fun, looking out the window and relaxing is just as fun.