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Tips for Organizing Group Travel in San Diego

If you’ve ever been in charge of organizing a group trip (or a group anything) then you know just how challenging it can be. From coordinating schedules to ensuring everyone is comfortable, there are plenty of things to consider, and that list only grows if you carry luggage.

If you’re planning a group trip to San Diego, we have a few tips that might make it easier for you, and if you don’t have a car, we also have passenger vans that you can rent!

Plan Ahead

The key to successfully dealing with groups is good planning. Outline the purpose of the trip, where you want to go, and what you want to do; Whether you’re a tourist visiting San Diego, or you’re a local that’s planning an adventure around the city, you can’t go wrong if you plan ahead.

Pro Tip: If you’re renting one of our passenger vans, secure your booking by paying in advance. If you do this, we can even drop off the van at the San Diego Airport for you so you don’t have to visit our offices!

Keep Group Size in Mind

Never lose track of your group size! This will help you plan your budget more carefully, find special discounts to some destinations, and decide which of our passenger vans is best for your group.

Consider Amenities

Not all vans are made equal. Some have extras like roof racks or TVs that can make your trip easier. Think about the things your group could use to make the experience better for everyone and look for a van that offers just that.

Assign Roles

Consider this an extension of planning ahead.

Group travel means there’s going to be a lot of people, which means you’ll have to keep track of a lot of things. Delegate some of that responsibility by assigning age-appropriate roles so that everyone can pitch in and make the experience more enjoyable for everyone.


Trip Coordinator: One person should oversee the overall trip planning, ensuring all details are covered.

Drivers: Designate drivers who are comfortable handling larger vehicles. Our vans can have up to two additional drivers, provided they have valid driver’s licenses and proof of insurance.

Activity Leaders: Assign someone to manage each day’s activities, keeping the group on schedule. This way, you can enjoy the trip as well!

Keep Clear Communication

Maintaining clear and consistent communication is vital for group travel.

Group Chat: Set up a group chat using apps like WhatsApp or Messenger to keep everyone informed and connected. This will also allow people more freedom during the trip, as they’ll be able to separate from the group without losing contact.

Emergency Contact List: Ensure everyone has a list of emergency contacts and important information, such as the address of your accommodations and local emergency numbers.

Pack Smart

All of our rental passenger vans offer ample storage space, but it doesn’t hurt to be efficient. Efficient packing can make a big difference in the comfort and convenience of your travel.

Essential Items: Make a checklist of essential items, including travel documents, medications, and personal items.

Group Gear: Coordinate with group members to avoid duplicate items and ensure all necessary equipment, like sports gear or beach essentials, is packed.

Enjoy the Journey

While planning and organization are crucial, don’t forget to enjoy the journey. San Diego is a city rich in culture, natural beauty, and exciting activities, and we’re sure you’re going to love it!