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Holiday Travel Tips

List Are Your Best Friend

It’s not just Santa’s job to have a list and check it twice. When you make a list of what you need to do and what you need to pack, you will save your butt! There’s so much to remember during the holidays! It is so easy to forget something, and no one wants to turn the car around.  

Give Yourself Extra Time

During the holidays, everyone is on the road. Traffic will certainly be at its worse, so even if it normally takes you only a couple hours to get to the in-laws, add in some extra travel time so you don’t worry about showing up late or stressing yourself in traffic.

Pack Only The Necessities

It’s the holidays. There is a good chance you will end up bringing back quite a few things. So if you’re staying less than a week, try and avoid overpacking. You will enjoy your road trip more when you have plenty of space to relax on the road, and the ability to look out of your rearview mirrors.

Bring Snacks

Road Trips are meant for snacking. Especially if you have children. Not to mention, you can save time and money when you buy snacks ahead of time rather than from the gas station.

Bring Games

It can get boring if you spend too much time in the car. Especially for children. So keeping the kids entertained can be that fine line between sanity and insanity. With handheld gaming devices, coloring books and more, you will surely have no problem keeping them busy. Don’t forget the charger though!

Takes Naps

You’re on vacation after all. It’s hard when you’re pushing through and think a cup of coffee is all you need to wake up and keep going. However, this isn’t the safest option. Try a 15-minute power nap. It can truly do wonders. Plus no one will bat an eye if you arrive late for napping. Everyone wants you to arrive safely.

Wear Comfortable Clothes

Traveling by car is not a glamorous event that you need to dress up for, so grab your favorite pair of sweatpants and hit the road. Wear whatever you’re most comfortable in. If you don’t have to worry about your jeans squishing your belly, you will have a much more pleasant drive

Rent A Van

Whether you have a personal vehicle or not! Just think, you can avoid adding the extra miles on your vehicle, get more space, save your car from the wear, and drive in luxury.

For affordable car rentals in the San Diego area check us out!