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5 Things to Consider When Renting a Van in San Diego for Travel into Mexico

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San Diego’s proximity to Mexico makes it an ideal starting point for trips south of the border. Whether you’re with a church group, on a family vacation, or on a business trip, our fleet of 12 and 15 passenger vans will safely and securely provide transportation for all your Baja Californian adventures.

If you are interested in van rental for travel into Mexico, here are a few things you need to know to help ensure a successful trip:

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All Americans traveling outside of the United States are required to present a passport or other valid travel document to re-enter the United States.

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U.S. and Canadian auto insurance policies are not recognized in Mexico; only policies from a Mexican insurance company are.

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U.S. citizens do not require a visa or a tourist card for tourist stays of 72 hours or less within “the border zone,” the area between 20 – 30 kilometers of the border with the U.S.

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Mexican law requires that any non-Mexican citizen under the age of 18 must carry notarized written permission from any parent or guardian not traveling with the child to or from Mexico.  This permission must include the name of the parent, the name of the child, the name of anyone traveling with the child, and the notarized signature(s) of the absent parent(s).

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Though they will be accepted, if you insist on using American dollars in Mexico, be aware you will probably be charged up to 30% more for goods and services.

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Travelers should contact the Mexican Embassy or the nearest Mexican consulate for current information before beginning their trip.

Ready to explore Mexico? Contact All Star Rent a Van to reserve your van today!
